Suite 2000
Fort Lauderdale 33301

2317 Montauk Highway
Bridgehampton 11932
900 Stewart Avenue
Garden City 11530 United States

Suite 400
Portland 97223«
«This address is for mail only and
in person appointments must be scheduled in advance.

Suite 300 East
West Palm Beach 33401

Suite 800
White Plains 10601
Nasi klienci to podmioty prowadzące działalność na rynkach międzynarodowych. Wspieramy ich w osiąganiu wyznaczonych celów biznesowych, oferując swoje usługi w większości europejskich jurysdykcji. Posiadamy biura w Amsterdamie, Warszawie, Berlinie i Londynie, jak również ściśle współpracujemy z niezależnymi kancelariami w kluczowych jurysdykcjach w Europie, w których nie posiadamy swoich filii. Sieć kancelarii, z którymi współpracujemy rozciąga się na ponad 80 państw, dzięki temu nasi klienci zyskują wiedzę o specyfice lokalnych rynków, a także usługi prawne świadczone przez zespoły doświadczonych prawników na całym świecie.

Beethovenstraat 545
1083 HK

Budapester Str. 35
10787 Berlin Germany

Sky Towers (North Tower)
8th Floor, King Fahad Road
Riyadh 11372 Saudi Arabia

The Shard, Level 8
32 London Bridge Street
London SE1 9SG, United Kingdom

Promenadeplatz 12
80333 München Germany

One Azrieli Center
Round Tower, 30th floor
132 Menachem Begin
Tel Aviv, 6701101, Israel

Al Fattan Currency House
Tower 2 Suite 2302
Dubai International Financial Centre
PO Box 9976
Dubai United Arab Emirates

Varso Tower
ul. Chmielna 69
00-801 Warszawa, Polska
Greenberg Traurig provides comprehensive legal services to companies across the Asia region, including North Asia (South Korea, Japan, Greater China, and Taiwan), Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam), and South Asia (India and Bangladesh). We bridge diverse legal systems and cultures with a focus on efficient and effective legal services. We also advise U.S. and European companies engaging in transactions throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Our attorneys provide strategic advice and legal services in connection with mergers and acquisitions, financings and securitization activities, intellectual property, trade and governmental strategies, international dispute resolution, infrastructure and project development and finance, export controls, and business immigration issues. The practice brings together attorneys from our Shanghai, Seoul, Singapore, and Tokyo offices along with numerous multilingual attorneys from across GT’s global organization with experience handling client matters in Asia.

Foreign Legal Consultant Office
23F, Seoul Finance Center
136 Sejong-daero, Jung-gu
Seoul 04520 South Korea

Rooms 3501-3517
Central Plaza 381 Huaihai Zhong Road
Shanghai 200020, China

Greenberg Traurig Registered Foreign Attorneys Offices
(Foreign Law Joint Enterprise)
Meiji Yasuda Seimei Building 21F
2-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
Greenberg Traurig’s award-winning Latin America Practice draws on resources from our Miami, and New York offices, in addition to our Mexico City and São Paulo offices and other offices around the world, bringing together a multidisciplinary team of lawyers to help clients identify business opportunities in Latin America. Our team, which includes lawyers who have been chief legal officers at major multinational companies, has wide-ranging experience representing U.S. and international clients who do business in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula, as well as advising Latin American and Spanish clients on their business ventures in the United States.

Paseo de la Reforma No. 265 PH1
Colonia Cuauhtémoc, CDMX, C.P. 06500, México