On Sept. 7, 2018, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) published guidelines for petroleum price visibility and storage tank identification in service stations selling gasoline and diesel fuel to the public in the Official Gazette of the Federation (the Guidelines). The Guidelines repeal agreement number A/047/2017.
The Guidelines went into effect Sept. 10, 2018, but licensed sellers of gasoline and diesel fuel have 90 days from Sept. 11 to comply.
Guidelines for Publication of Prices
- Current gasoline and diesel prices must be published on price boards along with the permit number authorizing the public sale of gasoline and diesel
- Prices must be in pesos per liter and cannot include discount per volume, commission, or charges for additional services
- Published prices at gas stations must match the prices the seller reports to the Regulatory Energy Commission
- Price boards must show the brand and type of petroleum as established in the Official Mexican Norm NM-016-CRE-2016
- Price boards must be legible from a distance of at least 20 meters, measured from the point where the price board is located, level with the floor, and must be adequately lit
Guidelines for Identification of Petroleum Grades
Regarding identification of petroleum grades, licensed sellers of gasoline and diesel at service stations must comply with the following:
- The caps for the service station petroleum storage tanks must be of the color, tone, and specifications established in Appendix 2 of the Guidelines
- Pumps must have label with the type of petroleum, octane, and, in each case, the oxygenation, or cetane number and sulfur level, in keeping with the Official Mexican Norm NM-016-CRE-2016
- Labels must be placed on the upper half of the front panel of the pump, be clear and visible to the driver, and must comply with the following: (i) letters must be capitalized and at least 12 millimeters in height and at least 1.2 millimeters in thickness; and (ii) the letters shall be in legible contrast with the background on which the label is affixed.
Penalties for Noncompliance
Failure by licensed sellers of gasoline and diesel in service stations to comply with the Guidelines can lead to sanctions by the CRE, in accordance with the terms of Article 6, Section II, paragraph (j) of the Hydrocarbons law, or a fine up to $36,270,000.00 pesos.