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23rd Annual Rocky Mountain Intellectual Property & Technology Law Institute

Greenberg Traurig is a sponsor of the 23rd Annual Rocky Mountain Intellectual Property Institute taking place May 29-30 in Colorado. The IP Institute is the premier forum for bringing together intellectual property professionals from across the United States and beyond. This event will also cover the latest developments in patent and trademark law, as well as emerging challenges in artificial intelligence, space law, and digital rights.

Greenberg Traurig Shareholder Ian C. Ballon, co-chair of the firm's Global Intellectual Property & Technology Practice, will present "Internet Law in Review" on Thursday, May 29, from 3:35–4:25 p.m. ET, covering key Trademark and Copyright developments from the past year. Additionally, GT Shareholder Amy Kramer will lead "How to Address Functionality Refusals & What’s New in Trade Dress" on Friday, May 30, from 10:05–10:55 a.m. ET, exploring trade dress hot topics and best practices for identifying goods and services.