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HOUSTON – March 23, 2023 – Twenty-three attorneys from global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP are recognized on the 2023 Texas Rising Stars list by Super Lawyers Magazine. This year Travis Alley, Ashley Aten, Justin Bernstein, Michael M. Besser, Margaret Kim Heitjan, Sang Eun “Jennice” Lee, R. Kent Love, Jeremy R. Wallace, and Ryan Yergensen made their debut on the prestigious list.

“This excellent achievement and well-earned recognition demonstrates that these outstanding lawyers are distinguishing themselves by not only providing impressive legal services, but they are focused on all facets of becoming great lawyers who are focused on client service and using their considerable skills to benefit the legal and larger community. All of us at Greenberg Traurig are proud of these 23 attorneys and are delighted to have them as colleagues,” said Demetrius G. McDaniel, regional operating shareholder of the firm’s Texas offices. “Congratulations to all the 2023 Rising Stars honorees!”

The Greenberg Traurig Texas attorneys recognized for 2023 are:

  • Travis Alley - Mergers & Acquisitions (Dallas)
  • Ashley Aten - Real Estate (Dallas)
  • Jennifer Bartlett - Business Litigation (Dallas)
  • Todd Basile - Intellectual Property (Dallas)
  • Justin Bernstein - Appellate (Austin)
  • Michael M. Besser - Securities Litigation (Dallas)
  • Christina M. Carroll - Business Litigation (Dallas)
  • Angeles Garcia Cassin- Employment & Labor (Houston)
  • Emily Willis Collins - Business Litigation (Austin)
  • Ernesto Danache IV- Business/Corporate (Houston)
  • Richard D. Dusenbury - Mergers & Acquisitions (Dallas)
  • Gregory Franklin - Banking (Dallas)
  • Somer Hayes - Health Care (Dallas)
  • Margaret Kim Heitjan - Mergers & Acquisitions (Dallas)
  • Sang Eun “Jennice” Lee - Intellectual Property (Dallas)
  • Kent Love - General Litigation (Austin)
  • Josh Prywes - Tax (Dallas)
  • Sarah-Michelle Stearns- Business Litigation (Dallas)
  • Allison M. Stewart- Civil Litigation (Dallas)
  • Zachary B. Tobolowsky - Business Litigation (Dallas)
  • Jeremy R. Wallace - Business Litigation (Dallas)
  • Amanda A. Williams - Employment Litigation (Dallas)
  • Ryan Yergensen - Business/Corporate (Austin)

Rising Stars are selected based largely on nominations from peers, followed by independent research and peer evaluations. To qualify, lawyers must be 40 years of age or younger or have been in practice for 10 years or fewer. No more than the top 2.5 percent of up-and-coming lawyers in Texas make the list.

About Greenberg Traurig, LLP – Texas: Texas is important to Greenberg Traurig, LLP and the firm’s history. With approximately 150 Texas lawyers in AustinDallas, and Houston, Greenberg Traurig has deep roots in the Texas business, legal, and governmental communities. Greenberg Traurig Texas works with clients to address their interdisciplinary legal needs across the state utilizing the firm’s global platform. The Texas attorneys are experienced in industries key to the state’s future, including: aviation, chemicals, construction, education, energy and natural resources, financial institutions, health care, hedge funds, hospitality, infrastructure, insurance, media, medical devices, pharmaceutical and biotechnology, real estate, retail, sports, technology and software, telecommunications, transportation, and video games and esports.

About Greenberg Traurig: Greenberg Traurig, LLP has more than 2650 attorneys in 44 locations in the United States, Europe and the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia. The firm is a 2022 BTI “Highly Recommended Law Firm” for superior client service and is consistently among the top firms on the Am Law Global 100 and NLJ 250. Greenberg Traurig is Mansfield Rule 5.0 Certified Plus by The Diversity Lab. The firm is recognized for powering its U.S. offices with 100% renewable energy as certified by the Center for Resource Solutions Green-e® Energy program and is a member of the U.S. EPA’s Green Power Partnership Program. The firm is known for its philanthropic giving, innovation, diversity, and pro bono. Web: