The Copyright Society of USA's Annual Meeting with now be a month-long meeting featuring virtual panels and social networking events. GT Shareholder Gabriel Fleet (ATL) will be a speaker during the panel, "Whose Copyright Is It Anyway? The Challenges of Social Media, Influencers, and Celebrity Partnerships," along with GT Of Counsel Sabina Vayner (ATL) as the panel moderator. The session will explore various copyright issues that arise in the context of social media and celebrity and influencer endorsements and partnerships, including use of music in social media and livestreams, celebrity use of photographs taken by paparazzi, questions of copyright authorship and ownership in collaborations, use permissions and implied licenses, embedding of social media posts, and related risk mitigation and dispute resolution strategies.
June 25, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Copyright Society of USA’s Annual Meeting
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