BOSTON – June 8, 2023 – The 2023 Chambers USA Guide includes 11 attorneys and seven practices from global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP’s Boston office. Firmwide, more than 240 attorneys were selected for inclusion in the 2023 guide and the firm is recognized in more than 52 of the guide’s practice areas across 28 regions.
In the Chambers USA Guide, attorneys and practice areas are ranked by placement in “bands,” with Band 1 being the highest placement. In Massachusetts, Greenberg Traurig was once again highly ranked, being recognized as Band 2 in Energy & Natural Resources, Public Finance, and Life Sciences; Band 3 in Litigation: General Commercial and Labor & Employment; and Band 4 in Intellectual Property and Real Estate.
Additionally, Boston attorneys receiving individual rankings include:
● John A. DeTore – Energy & Natural Resources (Band 2)
● David J. Dykeman – Life Sciences (Band 2), Intellectual Property (Band 3)
● Edward S. Hershfield – Real Estate (Band 3)
● Mark Hichar – USA Nationwide: Gaming & Licensing (Band 3)
● Bradley A. Jacobson – Private Equity: Venture Capital Investment (Band 4)
● Emily Ladd-Kravitz – Private Equity: Venture Capital Investment (Band 4)
● Gregory K. Lawrence – USA Nationwide Energy: Electricity (Regulatory & Litigation) (Band 5)
● Eric W. Macaux – Energy & Natural Resources (Band 2)
● Terence P. McCourt – Labor & Employment (Band 2)
● Ben McGuire – Public Finance (Band 3)
● Christopher H. Milton – Real Estate (Band 4)
According to its website, Chambers and Partners, a UK-based publisher of annual guides in several global markets, selects attorneys and practice areas for inclusion based on thousands of interviews with practicing lawyers and clients around the world.
About Greenberg Traurig’s Boston Office: Established in 1999, Greenberg Traurig’s Boston office is home to more than 85 attorneys practicing in the areas of banking and finance, corporate, emerging technology, energy, environmental, gaming, governmental affairs, intellectual property, labor and employment, life sciences and medical technology, litigation, public finance, real estate, restructuring and bankruptcy, tax, and white collar defense and investigations. An important contributor to the firm's international platform, the Boston office includes a team of nationally recognized attorneys with both public and private sector experience. The team offers clients the value of decades of helping clients in complex legal matters and hands-on knowledge of the local business community, supported by the firm's vast network of global resources.
About Greenberg Traurig: Greenberg Traurig, LLP has more than 2650 attorneys in 45 locations in the United States, Europe and the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia. The firm is a 2022 BTI “Highly Recommended Law Firm” for superior client service and is consistently among the top firms on the Am Law Global 100 and NLJ 250. Greenberg Traurig is Mansfield Rule 5.0 Certified Plus by The Diversity Lab. The firm is recognized for powering its U.S. offices with 100% renewable energy as certified by the Center for Resource Solutions Green-e® Energy program and is a member of the U.S. EPA’s Green Power Partnership Program. The firm is known for its philanthropic giving, innovation, diversity, and pro bono. Web: