Erick es co-coordinador de la práctica de Energía y Recursos Naturales de la Ciudad de México y coordinador de la práctica de Ambiental en la oficina de la Ciudad de México. Enfoca su práctica en ambiental, energía, ASG, inmobiliario, litigio administrativo, alimentos, bebidas y agroindustria, minería y asuntos regulatorios.
Con más de 20 años de experiencia, Erick representa a clientes nacionales e internacionales en el sector industrial, en diversos asuntos relacionados con energías renovables, gas natural licuado, petróleo y gas, litigio energético, transacciones energéticas, licitaciones de energía eléctrica, así como subastas en materia de hidrocarburos, entre otros.
En la práctica ambiental, cuenta con amplia experiencia en agua, carbono, uso de suelo, desarrollo urbano, regularización ambiental corporativa, impacto y riesgo ambiental, financiamiento de proyectos verdes, ambiental, social y gobierno corporativo (ASG), contaminación de suelos, así como en reducción de emisiones y cambio climático, entre otros.
Erick asesora a clientes en una amplia gama de asuntos transaccionales, incluyendo complejas fusiones y adquisiciones nacionales e internacionales, joint ventures, financiamiento de proyectos y asuntos regulatorios en una amplia gama de industrias, con especial énfasis en energía, infraestructura, minería, salud y ciencias de la vida, ambiental, farmacéutica y dispositivos médicos, alimentos y bebidas, agroindustria, manufactura, inmobiliario y hospitalidad.
Asimismo, ha participado en diversos foros públicos y privados con empresas, asociaciones internacionales, bancos, y autoridades relacionadas con Derecho Ambiental, Energético, Inmobiliario, Administrativo y Regulatorio en México. Ha estado involucrado en la elaboración de diversas Normas Oficiales Mexicanas, así como en regulaciones ambientales y administrativas.
Erick es constantemente reconocido como abogado líder por publicaciones legales internacionales como Chambers and Partners, The Legal 500, Latin Lawyer, Best Lawyers, así como Legal Influencer por Lexology. Recientemente fue nombrado co-chair el Grupo de Trabajo Global de Economía Circular de la ICC, así como vicepresidente de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente del Capítulo México de la ICC.
- Energía y Recursos Naturales
- Ambiental
- Fusiones y Adquisiciones
- Financiamiento
- Inmobiliario
- Regulatorio y Compliance
- Representation of Envision International in the implementation of a green ammonia project through the generation of renewable energy. This project will be one of the first green hydrogen projects in Mexico and Latam.
- Represented a Mexican/Canadian company in the Mexican public tender for hydrocarbons extraction on land and also represents the Company in an ongoing oil field on environmental, energy and regulatory matters.
- Representing a U.S. company in a major energy cross-border project consisting in the transportation of ammonia through U.S. pipelines crossing different states, the import of such product into Mexico, and the supply to an export terminal to be located in northern Mexico, which will enable the company to produce green hydrogen, which will in turn be exported to Asian markets.
- Legal assistance in the implementation of a Methanol plant in Topolobampo, Sinaloa, including the securement of the land, obtainment of all permits from all authorities, negotiation with authorities and third parties, financing.
- Representation of a group of Mexico companies in the structuring of a first-of-a-kind project in Mexico to develop natural gas liquefaction plants in several states within Mexico.
- Preparation of a legal framework related with all obligations to be complied for the instalment of a solar farm in Mexico.
- Preparation of a legal framework related with all obligations to be complied for the sale of solar energy for residential purposes in Mexico.
- Legal assistance on environmental, energy and regulatory matters for the purchase of a thermoelectric plant in the State of Yucatan.
- Legal analysis for the fulfilment of gas and electricity obligations by transferring operations from one company to another.
- Legal assistance on regulatory matters for the installation and operation of gas and oil pipelines in Mexico.
- Representation of Envision International in the sale of a 63MW wind farm under development in Guanajuato. The project is a legacy windfarm which has a current self-supply permit that has already requested to migrate into the new regime and still pending on resolution.
- Represented the sponsor in the purchase, regularization, sale and financing of two wind farm projects in Mexico (400MW) on energy, environmental and regulatory matters.
- Representation of a Mexican energy company, in all legal aspects of several SPV’s involved in the generation of renewable energy in Mexico, including also their participation in the Mexican public tenders for the sale and purchase of electric energy in Mexico, by means of wind farms.
- Represented a Chinese International company in the acquisition of wind farms projects in Mexico as well as in the Mexican public tenders for the sale and purchase of electric energy in Mexico by means of wind farms.
- Represented an American company in the Mexican public tenders for the sale and purchase of electric energy in Mexico, by means of solar farms.
- Participation as Mexican energy expert in the preparation of a legal report for the World Bank and the Ministry of Energy for the possible implementation of enhanced oil recovery.
- Represented an International company in the negotiation for the purchase of energy and gas for its food plants in Mexico.
- Legal assistance in the implementation of strategy for the protection of international treaties (investment arbitration) of a Mexican company owner of wind and solar farm.
- Preparation of a legal framework related with all obligations to be complied for the sale of solar energy for residential purposes in Mexico.
- Participation in the purchase of a hydroelectric central in the State of Nayarit on environmental, energy and regulatory matters.
- Assisted in the continuation of several injunctions (more than 20) against different agreements and provisions of the energy governmental authorities in Mexico that are trying to restrict the power generation of private companies in order to give more leverage and control to CFE.
- ACS and Envision with a disputes resolution in connection with multibillion dollar investments in the oil & gas and power generation industry in Mexico, amparos against the Municipality of Progreso for trying to charge for municipal permits not applicable to a wind farm in Yucatan, as well as corporate restructure deriving from the recent acquisition of Grupo Cobra by Vinci.
- Representation of energy companies in amparo proceedings (injunctions) against public policies and governmental decisions in energy matters.
- Legal assistance in the preparation of a strategy for arbitration against CFE for breach of contract.
- Legal assistance to Taylor Farms, who is an American-based producer of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables and currently ranks as the world's largest salad and fresh-cut vegetable processor, in the assignment of a new water concession title and help with the fulfilment of its obligations derived from the existent water wells and wastewater discharges at its Guanajuato, Mexico facility. anonimizar
- Legal assistance to Grupo IDESA, a multibillion-dollar Mexican conglomerate integrated by four divisions: Petrochemical, Ditribution, Construction Systems, and Logistics, for the implementation of the environmental, social, and corporate governance policies and its ESG criteria in order to meet its financial obligations and improve their credit rating.
- Representation of Grupo Procaps in environmental and regulatory matters pertaining to the acquisition of all assets of the company known as Grupo Farmacéutico Somar by Procaps Group. The assets to be acquired include 4 properties, one of which is a laboratory for the production of pharmaceutical drug samples.
- Assisting The World Bank to help SEMARNAT (Mexico’s Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources) in the implementation of the basis to elaborate a Mexican Official Standard (NOM) for the CCUS (Carbon Capture, Use and Storage), as part of the efforts from Mexico to fight against Climate Change and comply with national and international obligations. Anonimizar
- Represents a Mexican petrochemical company in all environmental matters related with the operation of chemical plants in Mexico.
- Participation as Mexican environmental expert in the preparation of a legal report for the World Bank and the Ministry of Energy for the possible implementation of carbon capture, use and storage in Mexico.
- Represents an international company in the food business in all environmental matters related with the food plants of the company in Mexico, including all water matters.
- Participation as legal environmental expert in the preparation of environmental and regulatory framework for the operation of gas stations in Mexico.
- Participated in several legal audits on environmental matters for the financing and restructuring of hospitality projects.
- Represented a Canadian company in the possible acquisition of a mining company in Mexico, by participating in the legal environmental auditing.
- Represents a food company in Mexico on water matters.
- Legal assistance on environmental matters for the construction and operation of several wind farms in Mexico.
- Legal assistance on environmental, energy and regulatory matters for the purchase of several thermoelectric plants in Mexico.
- Several legal audits on environmental matters for the construction, purchase or refinancing of wind farm projects in the State of Oaxaca.
- Several legal audits and legal assistance for the construction and operation of infrastructure projects in Mexico, including Federal toll roads and penitentiary compounds in Mexico.
- Assistance on environmental matters for the implementation of Clean Development Mechanisms in accordance to the Kyoto Protocol in Mexico and Latin America.
- Legal analysis of the use restrictions of a property for the possible findings of archaeological vestiges and any other environmental restrictions.
- Legal analysis on the environmental and agrarian restrictions of a property in Tulum, in order to help our client (seller) to confirm to the buyer that it has legal property, no agrarian affectations, and that environmental restrictions allow the hotel to be built on the property.
- Legal assistance for the regularization and obtention of a concession title from SEMARNAT (Mexico’s Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources) for the use of Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone of a residential project located in the popular beach destination of Acapulco, Guerrero.
- Legal assistance in the due diligence process of the compliance environmental aspects for the in the purchase of a hotel resort chain in the south of Mexico (Cancun, Mayan Riviera).
- Legal assessment of a chemical industry in Mexico on environmental and regulatory matters, including the filing and obtainment of healthcare permits from Health Agency in Mexico “COFEPRIS.”
- Legal assessment of an international retail company in relation to the regulations and restrictions for the purchase and sale of drugs (medicines) by foreign citizens in Mexico.
- Regularization of various hospitality companies with regards to the compliance of all environmental and regulatory permits, including health care and sanitary permits needed for their operation.
- Legal assessment on regulatory and health care matters for the import and export of livestock through Mexico.
- Legal assistance to pharmaceutical companies in Mexico for the compliance of their environmental and regulatory obligations, including health care and e-commerce.
- Review of the compliance status of the legal obligations as part of several DD process for different companies, as well as legal assistance of the corresponding regularization processes on environmental, energy, regulatory and health care matters.
- Legal assistance on the filing and obtainment of sanitary and health care permits and licenses for different food companies.
- Legal involvement on the DD process on environmental, regulatory and health care matters for the purchase of a lens and contact lens and clinical laboratories companies in Mexico.
- Assistance to different companies on regulatory matters, including the use of confidential and private information on e-commerce web sites including medical sales and telemedicine.
- Legal assistance for the negotiation and finance obtaining for a project to supply electricity to an industrial park.
- Represents Mexican and Chinese companies in the project finance of a 70 MW wind farm in the State of Yucatan, with a value of more than US$30 million.
- Represented as part of the team on the financing of two wind farm projects in Mexico (400MW) on energy, environmental and regulatory matters, with a value of more than US$70 million.
- Participation in several environmental, energy and regulatory audits for the financing or refinancing of energy projects in Mexico.
- Legal assistance to FinSalud in environmental and regulatory matters pertaining to the structuring and negotiation of diverse agreements with the University Tec de Monterrey and Siemens for the financing, development, construction, operation, and maintenance of a chain of deambulatory healthcare facilities under the brand Tec de Monterrey.
- Participation with the Ministry of environment and Natural Resources for the preparation of several laws and regulations on different environmental matters.
- Participation in the purchase of a hydroelectric central in the State of Nayarit on environmental, energy and regulatory matters.
- Legal assistance on environmental, energy and regulatory matters for the operation and purchase of different thermoelectric plants in Mexico.
- Preparation of a legal framework related with all obligations to be complied for the sale of solar energy for residential purposes in Mexico.
- Legal assistance on regulatory matters for the installation and operation of gas and oil pipelines in Mexico.
- Legal assistance to ports in Mexico on environmental and regulatory matters.
- Ministry of the Interior, Mexican Government, 1998-2000
- Representation office of the Government of the State of Hidalgo in Mexico City, 1997-1998
- Overview and Challenges of the Consultation for Extractive Industrial and Infrastructure Projects in the Current Administration Seminar, Center for Environmental and Legal Studies, Mexico City, January 2019.
Reconocimientos y Liderazgo
- Miembro del Consejo Editorial de Law360, Energía, 2025
- Diploma on Energy Matters, Energy Reform in Mexico, Escuela Libre de Derecho, Mexico City, Mexico, 2014
- Postgraduate Studies, Environmental Law, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, Mexico, 2005
- Law Degree, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Law School, Mexico City, Mexico, 2003
- Diploma on Public Affairs, Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, 1999
- México
- Español, Nativo
- Inglés, Fluido
- Italiano, Fluido