Mackenzie Cannon advises clients – from publicly traded companies to startups and nonprofits – on data privacy laws and regulations, data privacy program development, and compliance with cybersecurity requirements. She counsels clients on guarding against cybersecurity threats, managing ongoing security incidents, and navigating the aftermath of incidents through regulatory responses or civil litigation, including class action lawsuits. Mackenzie also conducts due diligence to advise on cybersecurity and data privacy liabilities in potential mergers and acquisitions.
Mackenzie has experience representing clients that operate in diverse sectors, including health care, cryptocurrency and finance, e-commerce, technology, retail, and hospitality. Her practice focuses on emerging and established U.S. federal and state laws and regulations, as well as international regulations such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- Truman National Security Project, 2016-2019
- Congressional Engagement Manager, 2018-2019
- Political Affairs/Congressional Engagement Coordinator, 2016-2018
- Legal Intern – Privacy Office, Legal Affairs, T-Mobile, 2022
- Legal Intern – Compliance, Whirlpool Corporation, 2022
J.D., University of Notre Dame Law School,
- Managing Notes Editor, Journal of Legislation
- B.S., American University
- Illinois
- Español, Conversacional