Chang Joo Kim is the Managing Shareholder of the Seoul office and represents issuers and underwriters in a wide range of corporate finance transactions, including debt restructurings, investment grade debt offerings, equity-linked debt offerings, rights issues and securitizations. He has broad experience representing Korean companies and global companies doing business in Korea. C.J.'s practice also focuses on international project finance, M&A and other corporate matters, including representations of acquirers, sellers and targets in connection with acquisitions, divestitures and joint venture transactions.
- Corporate finance transactions
- International project finance
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Represented three U.S. investment banks in an innovative offering of $500 million "going public" exchangeable notes issued by Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation.
- Represented three U.S. investment banks in connection with a $1 billion bond offering by the Republic of Korea.
- Represented a Korean company in the sale of its 100 percent interest in its holdings of Daehan Investment & Securities Co., Ltd., valued at approximately $470 million.
- Represented a Korean power company in its joint venture project valued at approximately $650 million to build a power plant in China.
- Represented one of the largest commercial banks in Korea in connection with its $50 million revolving credit facility.
- Represented one of the largest commercial banks in Korea in connection with its various securities advice.
- Represented a Korean venture capital company in its sale of all of its stock to a U.S. company, valued at approximately $50 million.
- Represented a Korean asset management company in the sale of $1 billion of restructured corporate loans.
- Represented a Korean company in its public auction of non-performing loans held by its wholly owned subsidiary.
- Represented a Korean company in the sale of a 51 percent interest in its holdings of Korean Life Insurance Corporation, valued at $700 million.
- Represented a Korean power company in connection with the restructuring of eight issues of Yankee bonds representing approximately $2.95 billion in aggregate principal amount.
- Represented a Korean power company in connection with the restructuring of 11 issues of Eurobonds representing approximately $800 million in aggregate principal amount.
- Represented a Korean power company in connection with U.S. securities matters related to the restructuring of four issues of Samurai bonds representing approximately $725 million in aggregate principal amount.
- Represented a Korean power company in the sale of two of its generation power plants.
- Represented two U.S. investment banks and other underwriters in a $2.24 billion global secondary offering of American Depository Shares of Korean Telecom.
- Represented a major Korean conglomerate company in an ICC arbitration worth $40 million.
- Represented a U.S. company against a major Korean conglomerate company in an ICC arbitration worth $50 million.
°The above representations were handled by Mr. Kim prior to his joining Greenberg Traurig, LLP Foreign Legal Consultant Office.
Recognition & Leadership
- Listed, IFLR1000, South Korea, "Notable Practitioner," 2019-2024
- Banking and Finance, 2019-2024
- M&A, 2019-2024
- Listed, Global Register's Who's Who in Executives and Professionals
- Member, New York Bar Association, 1996
- J.D., University of Iowa College of Law, 1995
- LL.M., University of Iowa College of Law, 1992
- International Law Doctorate Course, Korea University Graduate Law School, 1989
- Master of Law, Korea University Graduate Law School, 1988
- LL.B., Korea University College of Law, 1986
- New York
As a Foreign Legal Consultant Office, the practice in Seoul is limited to legal advice regarding U.S. law, treaties with the U.S., and universally recognized customary international law. We may not render legal advice on Korean law matters.