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Ben McGuire is Co-Chair of Greenberg Traurig's Public Finance & Infrastructure Practice. He advises on a wide range of public finance, infrastructure, project finance, and commercial loan transactions, including public debt offerings, private placements, and direct lending. He serves as bond counsel, issuer's counsel, disclosure counsel, and borrower’s counsel on tax-exempt, tax credit and taxable financings for a variety of governmental, non-profit, and corporate borrowers. He also serves as underwriter's counsel, purchaser's counsel, and bank counsel to various investment and commercial banks in connection with infrastructure projects.

Ben has participated in financings for state infrastructure projects, including water and sewer, electric utility, highway, rail, airport and seaport facilities; as well as financings for hospitals, public and private colleges and universities, private schools, charter public schools, public school districts, municipalities, cultural institutions, human service providers, assisted living facilities, manufacturers, fixed base operators, solid waste disposal facilities, and surface transportation facilities. These transactions have involved various financing structures, credit enhancements, security provisions, intercreditor arrangements, and interest rate hedges.

Ben has participated in public finance transactions in every state in New England and throughout the United States and its territories, including projects in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Connecticut, New York, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Puerto Rico.



  • Bond Counsel to Brightline Florida in connection with tax-exempt financing for the development of its passenger rail service from Miami to Orlando. 
  • Bond Counsel to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority.
  • Disclosure Counsel to the Executive Office for Administration and Finance of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts School Building Authority, the University of Massachusetts Building Authority, the University of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority.
  • Special Tax Counsel to Brightline West in connection with tax-exempt financing for the development of its passenger rail service from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.
  • Bond Counsel to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
  • Borrower’s counsel in connection with variable rate demand bond issuances financing renewably energy, biotechnology and other manufacturing facilities.
  • Underwriter's Counsel on numerous revenue bond financings for colleges, universities, hospitals and other non-profit institutions.
  • Bond Counsel on multiple tax-exempt financings through the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, the Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corporation and the Florida Development Finance Corporation.
  • Borrower’s Counsel to various educational, health care, human service and other nonprofit organizations in connection with their tax-exempt financings.
  • Purchaser's Counsel on numerous direct purchase, tax-exempt financings for colleges, universities, hospitals and other non-profit institutions.
  • Lender's Counsel on numerous commercial loans, lines of credit, equipment leases, and other credit facilities for a variety of governmental and private borrowers.
  • Agency Counsel to the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency in connection with its commercial property assessed clean energy (C-PACE) financing program.
  • Agency Counsel to the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency in connection with its commercial lending program and its mortgage insurance guaranty, charter school loan guaranty, export guaranty, and working capital guaranty programs.
  • Legal Clerk, General Felony Department, District Attorney, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
  • Legislative Aide, Rhode Island State Representative Steven Costantino
  • Policy Analyst, Health and Human Services, Office of the Lt. Governor, Charles Fogarty

Recognition & Leadership

  • Listed, The Best Lawyers in America, "Public Finance Law," 2022-2025
  • The Bond Buyer
    • Team Lead, Deal of the Year, 2024
    • Team Lead, Innovative Financing Deal of the Year, 2024
  • Listed, Chambers USA Guide, 2016-2024     
  • Listed, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, "Excellence in the Law, Up & Coming Lawyer," 2017
  • Treasurer, Providence After School Alliance, Board of Directors
  • Overseer, USS Constitution Museum
  • Member, The Cicilline Committee, Finance Committee
  • Member, Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers 
  • Member, National Association of Bond Lawyers
  • Member, Massachusetts LGBTQ Bar Association


  • J.D., Boston College Law School
  • B.A., Brown University
  • Massachusetts
  • Rhode Island

Related Capabilities

Public Finance & Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Project & Infrastructure Finance Rail & Transit Public Utilities Transportation Education Renewable Energy Infrastructure Finance Corporate Mergers & Acquisitions Capital Markets