ATLANTA – Sept. 1, 2015 – International law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP is now sponsoring the Atlanta Real Estate Collaborative (AERC) Open Doors program to reduce homelessness in metro Atlanta.
Open Doors Atlanta is a citywide partnership of real estate industry leaders, nonprofit service providers, and funders committed to shrinking homeless numbers through facilitating housing placements, real estate advisory services and development, and advocacy. Through the program, the city’s homeless community is connected to programs and housing units that are currently underutilized and unoccupied. In addition to providing consumers from homeless outreach agencies with attractive and affordable housing choices, Open Doors Atlanta incorporates subsidy programs, as well as vocational, mental health, and substance abuse case workers, to ensure successful placement.
“Homelessness is a serious concern in Atlanta and across the country, and we hope our program can serve as a model for others,” said Matt Shulman, AERC Board Member and CEO & Managing Partner of The Ardent Companies. “Greenberg Traurig’s support allows Open Doors Atlanta to continue to work toward our mission of advocating, educating, and partnering with our communities to end homelessness.”
For more information about AERC Open Doors Atlanta program or to make a donation, please email