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Navigating the Employment Implications of Colorado's Groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence Act

Greenberg Traurig Attorneys Mikaela Masoudpour, Lily McNulty, and Karin Ross will present the webinar, “Navigating the Employment Implications of Colorado's Groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence Act," on July 16 from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. ET. The laws surrounding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in hiring and other employment applications are evolving quickly. Although the federal government and state governments continue to consider various statutory proposals, Colorado has jumped to the front of the line by enacting the country’s first comprehensive statute regulating the development and use of AI. Our lively panel will discuss the new Colorado Artificial Intelligence Act and what it means for companies that use (or plan to use) AI in employment practices, including sourcing, selection, and termination.